- video games for x-box
- electric guitar
- help building organic garden
- dueling swords for fencing practice
- canvas (various sizes)
- snare drum
- help and materials to build an outdoor stage
- legos
- wooden & plastic swords
- books (for all ages)
- notebooks
- binders
- paint
- paper (construction, computer, cardstock, etc)
- stickers
- paintbrushes
- clay & play dough
- markers
- posterboard
- djembe drums
- flute
- yoga & tumbling mats
- storage containers
- boom box
- digital cameras
- software for pcs (photoshop, games, activities, etc)
- washable rugs
- folding chairs
- t-shirts (all sizes)
- lawn mower
We humbly appreciate the support and will be ready to dance with our friends on February 21st. The place is Analogue at 2010 Commerce St and we honor the birthday of Rachel H. They are asking $10 at the door or a donation for the school. Get there when the doors open at 9pm. Peace & Blessings,

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