It's been a looooong time since the last entry and we've experienced Hurricane Ike, new people joining our community like Yolanda Welch (new staffer) and Mika Hyman (springtime intern) and snow ;-) . I will try to post some pictures of some of the things that have happened in an upcoming blog, but wanted to let folks know that we have an amazing group of young people working to build in this community of social justice and freedom in solidarity with us. They have attended some Open Dialogs and are helping out the school with a benefit next Saturday. They are asking for an admission fee or a donation for the school and they asked for a wish list to be posted so that those wanting to donate something useful could do so, so here goes:
- video games for x-box
- electric guitar
- help building organic garden
- dueling swords for fencing practice
- canvas (various sizes)
- snare drum
- help and materials to build an outdoor stage
- legos
- wooden & plastic swords
- books (for all ages)
- notebooks
- binders
- paint
- paper (construction, computer, cardstock, etc)
- stickers
- paintbrushes
- clay & play dough
- markers
- posterboard
- djembe drums
- flute
- yoga & tumbling mats
- storage containers
- boom box
- digital cameras
- software for pcs (photoshop, games, activities, etc)
- washable rugs
- folding chairs
- t-shirts (all sizes)
- lawn mower
We humbly appreciate the support and will be ready to dance with our friends on February 21st. The place is Analogue at 2010 Commerce St and we honor the birthday of Rachel H. They are asking $10 at the door or a donation for the school. Get there when the doors open at 9pm. Peace & Blessings,